Tuesday 10 July 2012

New Born Baby kit & New Born Essentials

New Born Baby kit & New Born Essentials
Pregnancy is an exciting and interesting phase in every woman. I donot have any words to express the happiness of my "First Pregnancy" ?????
What do you feel about ur "First Pregnancy" ?????
Searching for words of expressing it...........

Everything went normal till the 3rd month, then after the stomach started growing and my clothes were fitting. As my stomach started growing during the 6th month of pregnancy, I was not able to wear my regular clothes. So, I looked for maternity wears & filled my wardrobe with basic necessary items. (Click here to view my post on Maternity Wears)

During the 8th month of pregnancy, me and my hubbie decided to buy some clothes and accessories to welcome our baby. 
Since the Day 1 of my pregnancy, we had a staunch belief that I will be giving birth to a BOY Baby named 'SAMUEL'

So, we purchased the following items to welcome our cute lil Samuel:
We went to some nearby shops exclusively for new born babies.

New Born Baby Kit  for Baby Samuel
1. 5 cotton slips
2. pair of socks
3. Zero size cloth nappy(though it didn't fit him till 3 months)
4. one blanket
5. 1 small feeding bottle
6. 1 numbers book
7. 1 alphabets book(it was so cute so i got it)
8. Small Towel

Please make sure to have these items (and much more) before welcoming your baby!!

Samuel's Welcome Kit

Just buying these baby clothes, baby accessories and stuffs before the baby arrives brings happiness, excitement, and it gives happiness, fulfillment to the mother and the baby.


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  2. Maaté provide Baby Skin care products as we believe in nurturing a toxin-free body and planet. The word ‘Maaté’ in Sanskrit means Mother. It’s our tribute to you, dear mother, as you commence this beautiful journey. It’s also a salutation to Mother Earth from whom we all draw life and nourishment.What you put on your baby’s body should be as pure and authentic as what you put within his or her body. That’s why Maaté offers an all-natural range created with love and care, incorporating the benefits of both timeless tradition and science.
